How Do You Play Ping Pong

The following basic skills and strategies are needed to play table tennis:

Grip: The main grips for table tennis are the straight grip and the horizontal grip. In the straight grip, the handle is placed between the thumb and forefinger, and the remaining three fingers are naturally bent to hold the handle; in the horizontal grip, the handle is placed in the palm of the hand, and the first joint of the thumb is pressed against the face of the racket, while the remaining three fingers are naturally bent to press against the back of the handle.

Standing position and movement: the basic standing position is to separate the feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent knees, the body slightly forward, to maintain a stable center of gravity. Rapid movement requires flexible footwork and the ability to quickly adjust the position to respond to different incoming balls from the opponent.

Serve: The serve is an important part of the game. Different spins (e.g., side, top or bottom spin) can be created by wrist movements, making it difficult for the opponent to judge. Variations of the serve include the use of different serves, such as short, long, and spin, to add variety to the serve.

Serve Receiving Techniques: Techniques for dealing with different types of incoming balls include:

Side Spin: Use a push block, keep the racket face vertical and touch the ball with the middle of the racket.
Downward spin: Use a chipping approach, keeping the racket face up and touching the bottom of the ball with the lower part of the racket.
Topspin: Choose to receive the ball by rolling, with the racket face slightly upward, and touch the top of the ball with the upper part of the racket.
Striking skills: including forehand, backhand, chipping, pulling, pushing and putting. The forehand shot is more powerful and suitable for attack; the backhand shot is mostly used for defense or change of pace; chipping can reduce the speed of the opponent's return and increase the spin; pulling can use the explosive force of the wrist to pull the ball over the net quickly; pushing is a defensive technique that pushes the ball back to the opponent's half-court in a smooth manner; and releasing the small ball is a gentle stroke that makes it land on the near-net area of the opponent's table.

Tactical use: serve-and-volley, serve-receive and hold tactics are also key. Understanding the basic situation and characteristics of the opponent and formulating tactics in a targeted manner can improve the winning rate of the game.

Ping Pong game is a world popular ball sport where you have to score points by attacking, confronting and defending.