How Much Space For Ping Pong Table

how much space for ping pong table

The dimensions of the table itself and the amount of space required around it are as follows:

Dimensions of the table itself: As mentioned above, the table top is 2740 mm (2.74 m) long and 1525 mm (1.525 m) wide, with a table surface area of approximately 4.18 square meters.

Required space around the table: In order to ensure that players are able to move around freely and play properly, the FITA recommends that at least a certain amount of space should be left around the table, generally speaking, each table should be surrounded by a space of not less than 2 meters, which means that the entire table tennis area should be at least 6.74 meters long (2.74 + 2 x 2) and 5.525 meters wide (1.525 + 2 x 2), with a total surface area of at least 37.8 square meters. This means that the entire table tennis area should be at least 6.74 meters long (2.74 + 2 x 2) and 5.525 meters wide (1.525 + 2 x 2), for a total area of at least 37.22 square meters (6.74 x 5.525).

For those who wish to play ping pong, check out this free Ping Pong game that is simple and fun.