
    Is there an upper limit after 10-all in table tennis

    In table tennis, there is no absolute theoretical upper limit to the number of points that can be scored after the score reaches 10-all, but in practice the game does not usually see particularly high scores.In table tennis, the winning condition of each game is to score 11 points and be at least 2 points ahead of your opponent.After the score reaches 10-all, a net win of two points is required for one side to win, so the score may continue to rise, but usually does not exceed 20 points.

    Rules and Scoring Mechanism of Table Tennis

    Scoring: A player scores a point if he/she fails to return the ball to his/her side of the court in accordance with the rules by serving legally, returning the ball legally, or if there is a hitting error by the opponent in the course of hitting the ball.For example, if the opponent fails to serve legally, or if the ball is hit out of bounds or off the net, the team scores a point.

    Serving Rules: At the beginning of the match, the right to serve and the choice of court are decided by guessing, etc. The player who serves must throw the ball vertically.The serving team is required to throw the ball vertically at least 16 centimeters high and hit the ball unobstructed.The serve is two balls per player, in turn, with the right to serve being exchanged to the opponent after a point has been scored.

    Special circumstances: in the event of a rubbing of the net, if the ball lands on the opponent's table after rubbing the net, the serve is considered valid; if the ball does not land on the opponent's table after rubbing the net, the serve is invalidated and a new serve is played.