Ping - pong scoring is based on a set of rules established by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). Here's a detailed breakdown:
1. Points
- Scoring Conditions:
- Fault by Opponent: A player scores a point when the opponent fails to make a correct service. This could be due to not tossing the ball high enough during service, hiding the ball during the service motion, or serving the ball in a way that it doesn't land correctly on the opponent's side of the table.
- Incorrect Return: If the opponent fails to return the ball so that it touches their court, either directly or after hitting the net assembly, the serving player scores a point. For example, if the ball goes into the net or bounces out of bounds on the opponent's side without touching the table.
- Obstruction: If the opponent obstructs the ball, meaning they prevent the ball from naturally passing over or around the net to hit their court without making a proper return, the non - obstructing player gets a point.
- Double - Hit: When the opponent strikes the ball twice successively, the other player scores. This includes hitting the ball with both the racket and some other part of the body in quick succession.
- Illegal Racket Use: If the opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the regulations (e.g., wrong type of rubber, incorrect thickness), the player who didn't make the illegal move scores.
- Ball - Player Contact: If the ball touches the opponent or their clothing or equipment (except the racket hand below the wrist) during play, the player who hit the ball scores a point.
- Table - Moving or Touching: If the opponent moves the playing surface while the ball is in play or their free hand touches the playing surface while the ball is in play, the other player is awarded a point.
2. Games
- Winning a Game: A game is won by the first player to reach 11 points. However, there's an important caveat. The player must have a lead of at least 2 points. So, if the score reaches 10 - 10 (referred to as “deuce”), the game continues until one player has a 2 - point advantage. For instance, the game could end at 12 - 10, 13 - 11, etc.
- Service Rotation: At the start of a game, the player who serves first will serve for two consecutive points. Then, the serve switches to the opponent, who also serves for two points. This rotation continues throughout the game. But when the score reaches 10 - 10, the serve alternates every point.
3. Matches
- Best - of - Format: A match is typically a best - of - an - odd - number of games. Common formats include best - of - 3 games, best - of - 5 games, or best - of - 7 games. The player or team that wins the majority of the games in the match is declared the winner. For example, in a best - of - 5 - games match, the first player to win 3 games is the victor.
- Ping Pong Game is a world popular ball sport where you have to score points by attacking, confronting and defending.