Rules of serving in table tennis
The rules of serving in table tennis include the following:
SERVE AREA: In doubles matches, the table is divided into left and right halves by the center line.When serving, the ball must first land on the home side's serving area or center line and then on the opponent's serving area or center line.In other words, the ball should be served from the right half of the table to the right half of the opponent's table.
Serving motion: The player shall throw the ball upward almost vertically with the hands, without spinning the ball, so that the ball rises not less than 16 centimeters after it leaves the palm of the hand that is not holding the racket.When the ball has descended from the highest point of the throw, the player may hit the ball so that it first touches his side of the table, then goes over or around the netting device and then touches the receiver's side of the table.
SERVING ORDER: In the first set, the team that has been awarded the serve determines the first server first, and the team receiving the serve may determine the first receiver at will.The serving order is that the server sends the ball to the receiver, and after the server has served two balls, the receiver becomes the server and sends the ball to the original server's partner.In subsequent sets, the sequence of serves is similar to that of the first set, rotating between serving and receiving in the established order.In a tie-break, when a team scores the first five points, the receiving team shall change the order of serve.
Conversion of points and serve: If the server scores a point, the serve remains with the server; if the receiver scores a point, the receiver gains the serve.In a tie-break, when a player scores 5 points first, the receiving player shall change the order of serve.
Special situations: These include net rerolls and rotational serving.If the ball lands on the right half of the opponent's table after a net scrape, the serve shall be reset; if the ball lands on the other half of the opponent's table after a net scrape, the serve shall be awarded as a loss of point to the receiving team.When a set has reached the 10-minute mark, or at any time at the request of both players or pairs, and the score has not reached at least 18 points, the rotating serve method will be applied, and each player shall serve one point in turn until the end of the set.
OTHER RULES: In doubles matches, the ball must be served behind the end line of the home side of the table area, above the level of the playing surface and between the sidelines.In addition, the serving player's non-holding hand must not obscure the serving action to ensure that the receiving party has a clear view of the initial state of the ball.
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