Rules of the Table Tennis Serve
The rules for the table tennis serve include the following.
SERVE POSITION AND PREPARATION: The ball shall be served with the ball resting on the palm of the hand not holding the racket, which is open and stationary.The player serving must throw the ball upwards almost vertically with his hands. The height of the throw must be at least 16 centimeters and must not cause the ball to spin.
Timing and position of the stroke: the ball must be thrown at its highest point in the rising phase before it can be struck, and the point at which the ball and the racket strike the ball must be above the level of the playing surface and behind the serve side's end line.When serving, the non-handling hand and arm of the server should be clear of the area between the ball and the net to ensure that the opponent can see the serve.
Determination of a legal serve: If the referee suspects that a server's action is not legal, a warning may be given without awarding a point the first time it occurs; if it occurs again, a point is simply lost.It is the responsibility of the server to show the Referee or Deputy Referee whether the serve is being made in accordance with a legal serve.
SPECIAL RULES FOR DOUBLES MATCHES: In doubles matches, the serve must be served diagonally from the right half of the server's court to the right half of the opponent's court.At the end of each set, the teams shall exchange courts.
Rotation of serves and scoring rules: In singles matches, each player serves two balls and then rotates until the end of the set; in doubles matches, each team serves two balls and then rotates.When the score reaches 10:10, the one-ball-for-serve system will be used until one team is ahead by two points to win.
Consequences of rule violations: If a server fails to serve in accordance with a legal serve, a point will be awarded without warning.
Common Infractions: Actions including insufficient height of the throw, covering the serve, and dragging the ball are all penalized as infractions.
By understanding these rules, it will help players to better master the table tennis serve and gain an advantage in the game.
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