
    Table Tennis Serve Techniques

    The table tennis serve technique includes the following aspects:

    Throwing stability: The height of the throw and the line of the ball rising and falling back after the throw should be stable, which is the foundation of the serve.

    The height of the touch point: the touch point should be lower for long serves and higher for short serves near the net.This will affect the arc and landing point of the ball.

    First hop landing point: The first hop should be near the end line of the table for long serves and in the center of the table for short serves.This helps to control the landing point and speed of the ball.

    Grip and lead: The grip should not be too rigid to ensure the flexibility of the wrist and fingers.The arm and wrist should be able to produce enough power.

    Arm and wrist power: The forward and downward power of the arm and wrist should be skillful, so that the ball will neither go into the net nor bounce too high or go out of bounds.The forearm and wrist are the main force, but attention should be paid to the coordination of the waist.

    The part of the racket rubbing the ball and the direction of force: try to use similar movements to send out balls with different rotations.The part of the racket rubbing the ball and the direction of force should be accurate.

    Post-serve movement: After each touch, the arm should be swung in a smooth motion and quickly returned.The traditional preparation posture for the serve is: for the forehand serve, the left foot is slightly in front and the body is slightly inclined to the right; for the backhand serve, the right foot is slightly in front and the body is slightly inclined to the left.

    False movements and deceptive serves: some false movements can be added after the serve, such as flinging the racket backward, etc., to confuse the opponent.Controlling the shape of the board and turning the waist can also increase the deception of the serve.

    Counter-rotation serve: Pay attention to the wrist inward and friction when serving counter-rotation, and do not rely on the arm to swing the racket.

    Connection after the serve: Pay attention to the connection with the receiver after the serve, and anticipate the opponent's return point in order to better attack the next shot.

    By mastering these skills, you can improve the quality and effectiveness of your table tennis serve, increase the difficulty of your opponent's return, and thus gain an advantage in the match.

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