What Are The Rules To Ping Pong

The rules of ping pong (table tennis) cover various aspects such as serving, receiving, scoring, and equipment specifications. Here are the main ones:

Equipment Rules

  • Table: The table should be 2.74 meters long, 1.525 meters wide, and 0.76 meters high. The playing surface must be flat and uniformly dark in color, usually dark blue or dark green.
  • Net: The net should be 15.25 cm high and stretch across the center of the table, dividing it into two equal halves.
  • Ball: The ball must be spherical, with a diameter of 40mm and a weight of 2.7g.
  • Racket: There are no strict size or shape limitations for the racket, but the blade must be flat and rigid. The rubber on the racket should comply with the regulations regarding thickness and elasticity.

Serving Rules

  • Position and Motion: The server should stand behind the end line of the table and toss the ball vertically upwards with an open palm from a stationary position. The ball must rise at least 16cm before falling.
  • Visibility: The ball must be clearly visible to the opponent throughout the service motion. The server should not hide the ball or the service action with their body or any other object.
  • Contact Point: The ball must first touch the server's side of the table and then bounce over the net to land on the receiver's side of the table. If the ball touches the net during service and still lands on the receiver's side of the table, it is a "let" service and needs to be replayed.

Receiving Rules

  • Returning the Ball: The receiver must return the ball after it bounces on their side of the table. The ball can only bounce once on the receiver's side, and the receiver must hit the ball back over the net to the server's side before it bounces a second time.
  • Legal Returns: The ball must be hit with the racket or the part of the hand holding the racket. If the ball touches any other part of the body before being hit, it is considered a foul.

Scoring Rules

  • Scoring: A player scores a point if the opponent fails to make a legal service, fails to make a legal return, hits the ball out of bounds, touches the net or the support during the rally, or if the opponent's free hand touches the playing surface.
  • Game and Set: A game is usually played to 11 points, and a set is typically won by the first player to win 6 games. However, if the score reaches 10 - 10 in a game or 5 - 5 in a set, the game or set continues until one player gains a 2 - point lead. A match is usually the best of an odd number of sets, often best - of - 7 or best - of - 3 in some amateur games.

General Rules

  • Order of Play: In a doubles game, the order of serving and receiving must be followed. Partners should alternate serving and receiving in a specific sequence.
  • Time Limit: There is a time limit for each point and for the game as a whole. If a player takes too long to serve or return the ball without a valid reason, the referee may award a point to the opponent.
  • Disrupting the Game: Players are not allowed to deliberately disrupt the game by making excessive noise, moving the table, or any other unsportsmanlike behavior.
  • https://pingponggame.org Ping Pong Game is a world popular ball sport where you have to score points by attacking, confronting and defending.