
    In ping pong (table tennis), a legal serve must meet the following criteria:

    1. Starting Position

    • Server's Location: The server must stand with both feet behind the end - line of the table, which extends indefinitely backwards. The feet can be in any position as long as no part of the feet is in front of the end - line. For example, a player cannot have their toes over the end - line while serving. This rule ensures that the serve begins from a consistent starting point and gives the receiver a fair chance to anticipate the serve.

    2. Ball Toss

    • Vertical Toss: The ball must be tossed vertically upwards, without imparting any spin, from a stationary open palm. The minimum height of the toss is 16 centimeters (about 6.3 inches). The umpire will closely monitor the height of the toss to ensure compliance. If the ball is tossed at an angle or not high enough, it is a fault. For instance, if a player only tosses the ball 10 centimeters, it is an illegal serve. This requirement is in place to ensure that the serve is visible and predictable to the receiver.
    • Visible Toss: The entire toss and the contact of the racket with the ball must be clearly visible to the receiver. The server cannot hide the ball during the toss or the strike, for example, by using their body, clothing, or another object to obscure the ball. This allows the receiver to accurately judge the spin, speed, and direction of the serve.

    3. Contact with the Ball

    • First Bounce: After the ball is tossed and struck by the server's racket, it must first bounce on the server's half of the table. If the ball fails to bounce on the server's side, hits the net, or goes out of bounds without hitting the server's side, it is a fault. For example, if the ball hits the net on the serve and fails to land on the server's side, the receiver wins the point.
    • Second Bounce: After bouncing on the server's side, the ball must then pass over or around the net and bounce on the receiver's half of the table. If the ball hits the net and does not land on the receiver's side, it is a fault. However, if the ball hits the net and then bounces onto the receiver's side, it is a "let" serve, and the serve is retaken without penalty to either player.

    4. Doubles Specific Rules

    • Service Order and Position: In doubles, the serve must start from the right - hand half of the server's court and must land in the right - hand half of the receiver's court. The service then alternates between the two teams, and the partners on each team must also take turns serving and receiving in a specific order. For example, if team A starts the game, player A1 serves to player B1. Then, after the first point, player B2 from team B will serve to player A2 from team A.

    https://pingponggame.org Ping Pong Game is a world popular ball sport where you have to score points by attacking, confronting and defending.