What Is A Standard Size Ping Pong Table

what is a standard size ping pong table

Standard size table tennis tables are defined by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) to ensure consistent playing conditions worldwide. Below you will find a detailed description:

Table Top

Size: 2740 mm (2.74 m) long, 1525 mm (1.525 m) wide, with an area of approximately 4.18 square meters.

Shape: Rectangular, flat surface and must be placed horizontally.

Elasticity: The table tennis ball should bounce between 230 mm and 260 mm when released from a distance of 300 mm from the table.

Coefficient of friction: should be less than 0.6.

Color: Commonly dark green or blue.

White lines on the table edge: a 2-centimetre-wide sideline along each edge of the 2.74-metre playing surface and a 2-centimetre-wide endline along each edge of the 1.525-metre playing surface; and a 3-millimetre-wide centerline parallel to the sidelines and dividing the table into two equal halves.


Height: 152.5 mm (0.1525 m).

Width: 1830 mm (1.83 m). The net should be suspended from a rope or wire, the ends of which are tied to upright posts 152.5 mm high, with the outer edges of the posts 152.5 mm from the sidelines.

Table Legs

Height: The standard height of the entire table from the floor to the tabletop is 760 mm (0.76 m). The legs are designed to ensure that the table is stable and does not wobble during normal use.

For those who wish to play ping pong, check out this free Ping Pong game that is simple and fun.